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‘I Need Attention:’ What Does This Mean and How to Stop Wanting It?

Everybody occasionally craves recognition. Humans have a primary need to be recognized and praised. Needing attention, on the other hand, implies that you need the attention and approval of others. You might engage in attention-seeking actions due to this need to be noticed.

Wanting attention from friends, family, and people you admire is natural, but craving it is always unhealthy. It might also be a symptom of a deeper mental health issue.

Signs That You Need Attention From Others

Some attention-seekers may need to be made aware of the attention-seeking actions they are engaging in. Individuals who actively seek attention do so through a variety of methods.

People who require focus frequently display a variety of behaviors, including:

  • Faking helplessness: One way those with attention-seeking tendencies act is by acting helpless in the circumstances they can handle. They have a way of getting other people’s notice by acting helpless.
  • Causing conflict: Creating a scene that will attract notice from those around you by starting a fight, whether in public or privately. They’ll frequently need to be at the center of the conflict.
  • Constantly seeking sympathy from others: This conduct includes making a minor injury so your loved ones can fuss over you. Or showing excessive emotion over a minor loss, such as a beloved handbag or pair of shoes.
  • Needing to be complimented: It’s common to want to receive praise. However, if you constantly need praise, you might use unhealthy habits to win people over. Sometimes the desire to receive compliments stems from fears. However, chasing praise is a negative coping method for insecurities.

Causes of Attention-Seeking Behavior 

Many things can lead to attention-seeking behavior. So let’s investigate the potential causes of these behaviors:

  • Insecurity and Low Self-Esteem

An attention-seeking personality might emerge and can cause physical and emotional issues. Although it could seem innocent, it’s a bad technique for handling fears. As a result, your relationships with family, friends, and even strangers may suffer.

  • Personality Disorders

Attention-seeking conduct may also be a symptom of some personality disorders. Particularly individuals who suffer from narcissistic or borderline personality disorders frequently engage in attention-seeking actions.

Together with having strong emotional reactions, attention-seeking activities are one of the main signs of people with a histrionic personality disorder.

Other mental health issues like ADHD, anxiety and bipolar disorder may also lead to attention-seeking behaviors in a person.

How to Stop Needing Attention From Others?

Recognizing that you engage in attention-seeking actions is the first step in stopping your demand for attention. Unfortunately, some people who need help don’t understand the implications of their actions or that they are unhealthy.

One of the most important initial steps to helping you stop desiring attention is enhancing your self-confidence and getting rid of insecurities.

These are some techniques for boosting confidence:

  1. Go to therapy

Speaking to a professional is the most effective technique to overcome doubts and boost confidence. They’ll assist you in identifying the source of your insecurities and determine how to eliminate them. In addition, a psychotherapist can assist you if the cause of your attention-seeking conduct is also due to a mental health issue.

  1. Build your self-esteem

Low self-esteem is a common cause of the drive to always be the focus of attention. Yet, attention-seeking actions are ineffective in boosting your sense of self-worth. An excellent way to start is by using daily positive affirmations and surrounding oneself with encouraging individuals.

How to Deal With a Someone Who Constantly Needs Attention?

You can assist a friend or loved one who always craves attention in realizing they don’t need it. The greatest ways to let folks who demand attention all the time know that their actions are unhealthy are as follows:

  1. Set boundaries

A person’s ongoing demand for attention is only fueled by giving in to their whims. Therefore, when they engage in attention-seeking behaviors, setting firm limits can help children understand that their behavior is wrong.

  1. Communicate with them

People seeking attention may occasionally be unaware that their actions are drawing attention. So take them aside and politely point out any problems you see.

  1. Be understanding

Those who act out for attention frequently have deeper motivations behind their behavior. For example, they might struggle with self-esteem or image issues and an underlying mental health disease.

Discover the 7 Fundamental Types of Life Skills You Need.

Strong life skills give you the ability to overcome any obstacle. Although difficult, adapting is simpler when you have the self-assurance and fortitude to face challenges head-on.

Life skills make daily obligations easier, even if they are not all required. These seven skills will broaden your vision and produce different outcomes regardless of your profession or manner of living.

  1. Critical thinking

Investigating time in identifying your mistakes is an instance of critical thinking. To survive in the modern world, one must be able to read confusing situations and balance complex issues. Asking the right questions can help you come up with creative solutions, whether you’re leading a team or working through your problems.

  1. Technology skills

Tech skills go beyond simply rotating the camera on your phone or deleting emails. They include the tools, programs, and methods we regularly employ for work and play, such as electronic calendars, computer backups, and online research. Understanding how to use computers, software, and the internet will help you organize your life better.

  1. Confidence

It might occasionally be difficult to notice your strengths. But since it affects many aspects of daily life, such as employment, social connections, and internal turmoil, it is imperative to build confidence. Thus, recognize your worth and learn to take criticism without getting upset.

  1. Empathy

It doesn’t matter how different people react; you can still relate to them. By considering problems from different people’s perspectives, you can identify solutions, settle arguments, and lead teams more effectively. Even in difficult situations, empathy fosters confidence and a cheerful outlook.

  1. Communication

Communication is the foundation of all relationships. It lets people express themselves clearly and let others know what they need. Communicating verbally, digitally, and intuitively is necessary for forging strong connections and exchanging information.

  1. Creativity

Innovative thinking is crucial in any industry you work in. The freedom to express your creativity will help you come up with original answers to challenges.

  1. Adaptability

In life, change is the only constant thing; adapting is crucial, whether things go well or poorly. By developing a flexible mindset, you can handle last-minute changes gently. Be receptive to novel ideas and situations. They might even offer greater benefits than the original plan did.

Stop Caring What People Think of You in 5 Steps


Being accepted is something that almost all people want. After all, we evolved to thrive in social settings where getting along with others and earning respect and trust of our peers are the benchmarks for success.

Humans are social beings that desire connection, intimacy, and relationships with others. We all want to connect with people and feel accepted; part of that desire is caring about what other people think of us.

But what if you’ve started to give excessive importance to the judgments of strangers and friends? If you’re being held back by worrying about other people’s thoughts, we have some advice to help you stop.

Here’s how you can consider what others may think about you less.

5 Steps to Stop Caring What People Think of You

  1. Stop apologizing.

Say apologize if you’ve done anything wrong, and it’s right to do so in that circumstance. But resist the urge to constantly apologize for being who you are. There is no genuine reason to apologize for standing out from the herd, having differing beliefs, or caring about something important to you.

  1. Remember what is important to you.

Use your freedom to conduct actions that are motivated by your aims. Since this is your life, don’t try to impress others; instead, focus on what’s essential to you.

  1. Get out of your head.

Everyone will judge you. Yet it’s also crucial to remember that people don’t judge you nearly as harshly as your mind would have you believe. But why stress over things you can’t change? Instead, focus on making your decisions the best you can for your satisfaction since that matters most—how YOU feel about them.

  1. Be picky about who you surround yourself with.

Being around positive influences makes it simpler to be authentic and feel good about life than spending time with people who undermine your goals and drain the life force from your ambitions.

Even if living each moment as entirely authentically as possible is the ultimate objective, any progress is worth celebrating.

  1. Learn the appreciate the individuality of others.

Make an effort to celebrate and support others’ uniqueness. Avoid gossiping about people, having negative thoughts about people you don’t understand, and, most importantly, resisting the urge to pass judgment.

10 Simple Ways You Can Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

The comfort zone is a familiar collection of typical actions, routines, and behaviors. It consists of your typical routines and behaviors where you encounter minimal risk and minor tension and worries. Unfortunately, those who are said to “live in their comfort zone” typically take few chances and get few benefits. These are some things you may do to push yourself beyond your comfort zone.

10 Ways to Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

You can do ten things right now to push yourself outside your comfort zone.

  1. Make an “Uncomfortable” list.

What makes you uneasy?

Cold showers, getting up early, running, etc. A fantastic technique to see what you can do is to make a list of the things that are outside of your comfort zone.

  1. Film yourself

An introvert’s worst nightmare may be having to appear in front of the camera. Yet, it can also aid in improving linguistic ability and confidence. The secret is to engage in activities you find so enjoyable that you lose sight of the camera. Although it could initially feel awkward, your skills will improve if you persevere.

  1. Ask deep questions

Talking openly and frequently on various subjects is straightforward and can provide interesting outcomes. Another crucial skill for learning about your fears and pushing you over what you already know is the ability to ask excellent questions.

  1. Start a conversation with a stranger.

You enter the learning zone and the terror zone by engaging in conversation with a stranger. You might leave the conversation having made a new friend or learning something.

  1. Start small

Only a little bit of a routine change will do! Try dining alone at a common table if you often eat alone at your stall rather than with your coworkers. If you feel confident enough, consider inviting your coworkers for a lunchtime conversation or scouting out a new dining location.

  1. Become a “Yes” person

A friend may enthusiastically say, “Let’s go on a road trip!” or “Let’s try out this new restaurant!” Saying yes will encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone, even if you don’t like eating new foods or are hesitant to leave your hometown.

  1. Try a new skill

You enter the learning zone by attempting something new! Consider adding a new talent to your repertoire that you have not planned out in detail.

  1. Reframe your stress

Feeling anxious and stressed about moving outside your comfort zone may be a real drag, so why not change it? The question is, what are you going to do with it?

  1. Get on stage

77% of people say they are afraid of speaking in front of groups of people. Why not attempt to go on stage to overcome your fears? Public speaking will aid you in overcoming your fear of it over time and build your neuroplasticity so you may push yourself outside of your comfort zone in other areas of your life.

  1. Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself for each task you complete is one of the finest strategies to make sure you complete your journey.


Self-Awareness Unlocks Your True Potential


The key to reality is self-awareness, and the moment we learn to control our ideas, we are released from the weight of unintentionally shaping our reality. It is our responsibility to take action to alter the outcomes. Your progress and capacity to develop into your highest self will be hampered if you remain stuck in the past or keep thinking the same constricting thoughts.

  1. Wake-up call:

We need to work on using our minds, which is the main cause of our suffering, confusion, and issues. We’ve been trained to focus the majority of our efforts on the outside while waiting for happiness on the inside. This is why most people who become materially wealthy will tell you that “money can’t buy happiness.” Time is wasted while you try to fill the gap, slowly killing you. Don’t waste happy moments, hoping that they will come at some point in the future.

  1. Know thyself:

We deal with a lot of negativity and aren’t even aware that we are creating it since the mind has been taken away from the genuine self. Knowing oneself is the key to calmness, the connection to compassion, and the ability to escape from madness. Start focusing on the things that are receiving your energy.

  1. We just want to be happy:

Our true selves want affection, joy, contentment, and all other positive emotions. Do not think that it is anything outside of oneself. The most upsetting situations occur when we attach our happiness to objects and then lose it. Because of this, you must alter how you perceive reality to experience joy in all circumstances. You change your energy to begin to live from a reality you were unaware of. All it needed was a mental shift for you to find alignment with your feelings.

  1. Invest in yourself:

Invest in your body, mind, and soul. Pay attention to the factors that shape reality. Discover how much your reality changes once you begin to invest in yourself. Vow today that you will stop delegating your authority to other people or things. True personal empowerment comes from having the ability to control your ideas and shape reality. Your time is valuable; don’t waste it on those who don’t value you for who you are. You should also always value yourself before others value you. You can improve, discover your purpose, and establish a connection with the source of your strength at every moment of your life. Keep your attention focused on it.

  1. Focus:

Do not wait for approval from others to live your life as you have chosen to. That is a complete waste of time. Who cares? Simply distance yourself. Your energy is yours; take it back!

  1. Grow:

Avoid becoming involved in drama and negativity. Nothing saps your creativity more than pointless arguments and chats about others. So much is wasted and damaged when we use our energies this way. Let’s go on from this point. Increase the vibration. Let’s use our power to help instead of to hurt.

  1. Elevate: 

Many people are too busy to change, have no genuine plans, or have purposeless lives. Don’t let them divert your attention. Instead, own your truth and who you are. Standing up for your beliefs gives you personal empowerment.

  1. Determined:

You won’t want to continue doing what you used to do as your vibration rises. You’ll stop caring what other people think of you. Your desire to live fully, love sincerely, and pay close attention to everything that brings you joy will suddenly increase.

Final Words

Make a promise to yourself to be so resilient that nothing can jar your tranquility. To devote so much time to bettering oneself that one has no time for criticism of others. Being too big for concern, noble for anger, powerful for fear, and joyful to allow problems to exist. Declare, “Today, I choose to evolve.”

Can Money Buy Happiness?


“Money cannot buy happiness” is one phrase that we’ve all heard. But in actuality, we all spend money; for most of us, it is a finite resource. So how can we spend our hard-earned money to make us happy? When you make your next purchase, consider the beneficial insights from psychological studies about the relationships between wealth and happiness.

  1. Being Rich Isn’t Necessarily the Way to Happiness. 

Happiness is influenced by money. Ask anyone who does not have it. For example, a handsome salary can help us live in safer homes, receive better nutrition and medical care, and have fulfilling jobs. The positive effects of money, like buying your dream house, are frequently offset by the negative effects, like working long hours or in more stressful jobs to maintain that income.

  1. Doing Makes us Happier than Having.

Most people believe that material possessions will bring them greater happiness than experiences. Physical items, like the most recent iPhone, handbag, or automobile, last longer than activities like attending a concert, taking a cooking class, or taking a vacation. We are joyful when we buy goods, at least in the short term. Yet, with time, we become accustomed to new things, and although they may have made us joyful and enthusiastic, they gradually become the new normal and disappear into the background.

Yet, the joy from spending money on activities tends to grow over time. We frequently share our experiential purchases with others, which is one reason.

  1. Consider Spending Money on Others. 

Most people believe investing in themselves would result in greater happiness than investing in others. Nevertheless, when researchers measure people’s happiness before and after they spend their annual bonus, people report being happier when they give the bonus money to charity or spend it on others rather than themselves. Regardless of the size of the bonus, this happens. This phenomenon may be partly because helping others helps us feel good about ourselves.

Thus, consider whether this purchase will make you happy before taking out your wallet or clicking to place an order online. Think again if it will put your fundamental requirements in danger. If you have any extra cash, consider booking a trip or enrolling in a class to learn a new skill. Furthermore, remember that spending money on others or making charitable donations may make you feel better than spending it on yourself.

7 Life Skills Everyone Should Have


Life skills are the abilities that allow people to adjust to and deal with the demands and difficulties of daily life. Every person may have a list of the most important abilities in life and wish to develop them to have a better job. Although they are not all necessary, life skills help ease day-to-day responsibilities. As a result, and irrespective of your profession or way of life, these seven abilities will enhance your perspective and result in various circumstances.

7 Life Skills Everyone Should Have

  1. Critical thinking

Examining news stories and recognizing your errors are both examples of critical thinking. The ability to interpret unclear situations and balance complex concerns are crucial for surviving in the modern world. Whether you’re managing a group of people or thinking through your personal difficulties, asking the appropriate questions can help you come up with innovative answers.

  1. Technology skills

More than merely turning your phone’s camera around or deleting emails are included in tech skills. They comprise the equipment, software, and procedures we utilize daily for business and leisure, such as electronic calendars, computer backups, and internet research. As a result, you can better arrange your life by navigating computers, software, and the internet.

  1. Confidence

It can be challenging to recognize your strengths at times. However, the most assured individuals have a beginning. It is crucial to develop confidence since it impacts many aspects of daily life, including employment, social interactions, and internal turmoil. Recognize your value and develop the ability to accept criticism without becoming upset.

  1. Empathy

How different people respond doesn’t matter; you can still relate to them. You can find answers, resolve disputes, and lead teams more skillfully when you look at issues from other people’s perspectives. Even under challenging circumstances, empathy promotes trust and a positive attitude.

  1. Communication

All relationships are built on communication. It enables people to communicate clearly and let others know what they require. Building strong connections and sharing all types of information requires being able to communicate verbally, digitally, and intuitively.

  1. Creativity

No matter what business you operate in, innovative thinking is crucial (or what you want to accomplish in your personal life). Giving yourself the freedom to be creative will enable you to see problems from new angles and develop creative solutions.

  1. Adaptability

Since change is constant in life, adapting is crucial, whether things go well or poorly. You’ll be able to deal with last-minute changes gracefully by cultivating a flexible mindset. Be open to novel concepts and circumstances. They are sometimes more advantageous than the original plan.

Final Words

You’ll face new obstacles, whether just starting adulthood or getting close to retirement. But, with the most crucial life skills at your disposal, you may face challenges with assurance and even enthusiasm. Of course, you never know what challenges life will provide you next. But you’re prepared for everything.

6 Steps to Discover Your True Self

The most crucial ability you may have is understanding who you truly are. Knowing who you allow you to take action without seeking approval from others. It enables you to save great aggravation by investing time in the wrong things. Yes, trial and error is a part of life, but this helps you identify the optimal places to experiment. Knowing yourself will give you more self-assurance and a clearer sense of your mission.

How can you understand who you are and what you should accomplish with your life? The following six steps will help you discover who you are:

  1. Be quiet.

You must make the time to be still to learn who you are. Since silence terrifies many people, and they don’t want to be alone with their flaws, they often don’t know who they are. But you won’t be able to view every aspect of your life—the good and the bad—until you take time to yourself, assess yourself, and be honest with yourself. Discover your genuine self by remaining quiet.

  1. Realize who you truly are.

You might already have a clear vision of the person you so desperately want to be, but that person may differ from what your design calls for. You’ll finally understand how you and your unique gifts fit into the wider picture once you realize who you are.

While there are numerous opportunities to help you learn more about who you are, taking a personality test is the best place to start. These self-evaluations are not flawless, but they highlight your greatest abilities, allowing you to concentrate on making the impact you were meant to make in the world.

  1. Find what you are good at and what needs to be improved.

This can be the hardest step in figuring out who you are, but it’s also the most important. Finding your strengths may need trial and error, but don’t give up before giving it your best.

However, shift your attention elsewhere if your acts are only draining you rather than igniting your passion and inspiring you to accomplish more. Your character will be revealed via your strengths.

  1. Find what you are passionate about.

Any form of passion should be followed, and you should pay attention when it does since it signals a living area to which you need to give more thought. It’s positive if we’re talking about following your passion at work. And it’s positive if we’re talking about having more passion for life. You’ll have a greater influence if you focus more on your passions and develop self-awareness. Passion leads to work, and persistent effort leads to results, which leads to a deeper realization of who you are.

  1. Ask for feedback.

It’s good to hear what others say about you if you don’t know yourself well. Ask them two questions like “What strengths do you think I should work on?” and “What areas do you believe I need to improve on?” This phase is crucial for people with trouble discovering who they are. Sometimes individuals closest to us can recognize qualities in us that we may not be able to.

  1. Assess your relationships.

Your relationships have an important role in self-discovery. The value of understanding oneself becomes even more clear when you realize that you can’t genuinely know anyone else until you do. Business leaders should pay particular attention to this concept since it is essential for effective leadership that you are familiar with your team members. People need to know who you are almost as much as you need to know who you are.

Utilize your reflections to overcome your worst concerns because if you come to terms with who you are, your purpose will finally grow to outweigh your fears. You’ll waste less time when you understand who you are. Concentrating on your abilities can gain the traction you need to change the world more significantly. Knowing yourself will bring you greater peace and achievement more quickly than before. Now go uncover your authentic self, starting right now.

5 Resources for Addiction Recovery

Although recovery from addiction is a demanding and challenging journey, the results can be life-changing or even life-saving. Several resources are available to help those battling addiction and provide support and guidance during recovery. Below is the list of six resources for addiction recovery that can be used to help people in getting and stay sober.

5 Resources for Addiction Recovery

  1. Support Groups:

Support groups offer addiction-struggling people a secure environment where they can share their stories and get helpful tips for maintaining sobriety. In addition, recovery support groups may provide educational programs, social activities, and other services and a comforting environment to aid people in their search for sobriety.

  1. Outpatient Programs:

As an alternative to inpatient care, outpatient programs enable patients to remain in their current residences while attending frequent therapy sessions with therapists and counselors with expertise in addiction treatment. Individuals will discover new perspectives on their addictive behaviors during these sessions and techniques for preventing relapse.

  1. Inpatient Programs

Inpatient programs offer the most comprehensive care by having individuals reside at the institution throughout detoxification and round-the-clock expert therapy. During this time of residential care, patients can anticipate receiving behavioral therapies like CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), group therapy sessions, one-on-one counseling sessions, medication management services, nutrition counseling services, recreational activities aimed at enhancing mental health status, aftercare planning services, and more.

  1. Faith-Based Programs

People dealing with difficulties may take strength from their religious beliefs. Therefore, faith-based programs combine standard therapeutic techniques with faith-based counseling approaches, such as prayer circles or scripture study groups. In addition, these kinds of programs frequently include components like weekly church services or spiritual retreats to assist people in developing healthy coping mechanisms based on religious teachings instead of using drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication or stress release.

  1. Online Resources

There are a lot of online resources devoted to helping people with addiction issues get the treatment they need quickly without having to travel long distances or wait for extended periods before receiving treatment services like medications or therapies that are specifically tailored for them based on their needs assessment evaluations given by trained professionals working within each specific program platform offered online via various websites or applications.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness


Both personally and professionally, emotional intelligence tends to fuel one’s performance. Understanding and managing your emotions may hurry success in many facets of your life, from your self-assurance, empathy, and positivism to your social skills and self-discipline. An essential component of emotional intelligence is self-awareness, which teaches how to recognize one’s emotions and be aware of their causes and effects of them.

Below are five suggestions for understanding the fundamentals of emotional intelligence, which will boost your levels of self-assurance.

Top 5 Ways to Improve Self-Awareness

  1. Learning to identify your triggers.

Being aware of your triggers might help you become more emotionally intelligent. This is because it enables you to master the ability to control the outcome. It might provide you the capacity to control your emotions and remain calm.

  1. Never judge your feelings.

Humans naturally categorize their emotions as “good” or “bad,” “positive,” or “negative.” You tend to lose the ability to regard and be attentive to your sentiments when you judge them. By acknowledging the emotion for what it is, you will have the chance to understand it and discover what your mind has been attempting to communicate.

  1. You must question your opinions.

In the modern world, it is simple to get caught up in an “opinion bubble.” Those with similar viewpoints constantly reinforce their beliefs in this condition of existence. It is advised to give yourself enough time to study the opposing viewpoint and have your assumptions challenged. This will make you more receptive to new concepts.

  1. Pay attention to your behavior patterns.

Keep an eye on your behavior as you develop your emotional awareness. Take note of how you behave and how your daily life is affected when you experience particular emotions. Once we understand how we respond to our emotions, controlling them becomes effortless.

  1. Always celebrate the positive.

Enjoying and thinking back on positive life events is crucial to enhancing self-awareness. People who frequently feel positive emotions develop strength. Reflecting on unpleasant feelings is also essential for dealing with problems in the future.

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