You are an introvert with incredible strengths. Research suggests that introverts are stronger leaders because of their innate leadership abilities. Additionally, the teams led by introverted leaders were 28% more productive, according to Harvard Business Review research! Your people skills can be ignited without becoming an extrovert, although it could require some work and adaptability. Utilize these wise suggestions.

6 Networking Tips for Introverts

  1. Be yourself.

Beating yourself up for not being an outgoing, loud person will only make you less successful. Even if taking cues from extroverts is crucial, trying to act like one is pointless. There is nothing wrong with hanging out in smaller groups if that is how you feel more comfortable. Understanding your advantages is crucial. For instance, being an introvert may help you build more enduring, close relationships. As a result, you may concentrate on the important ones.

  1. Redefine your approach.

Seek opportunities to interact with people in private settings. Ask individuals or small groups to engage in activities like a game of tennis, a round of golf, a run, or a cup of coffee. Even while it could take longer to meet people, the connections you do make will be considerably more meaningful. Nevertheless, you must first persuade others to accept your invitation.

  1. Focus on remarkability.

According to studies, our brains are designed to react positively to novel situations. Therefore, you may make experiences memorable by using novelty. For example, I have a friend who owns a little airline. He invites a small group to fly with him and his wife when he wants to network or engage with individuals.

Think smaller if it is outside of your budget. A 6-person dinner party, an art project, or a group trek are all options. Your community will grow around your activity if you can make it well-known.

  1. Take advantage of the winner effect.

According to the winner effect, your body releases a testosterone surge after a victory. The shock gives you more self-assurance and gives you the upper hand. With each victory, your testosterone levels rise, boosting your confidence for the challenges ahead. Get a few minor victories before entering a formal social setting.

  1. Tell yourself the right things.

Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton, examines public speaking in his book Originals. For example, people delivered their speeches more effectively when they told themselves they were thrilled to be speaking than when they told themselves they were afraid. Likewise, you can influence your performance by recontextualizing your emotions.

You don’t have to talk the entire time in conversations if you are uncomfortable. Instead of talking nonstop, use strategically placed insights to show off your knowledge and expertise.

  1. Ask for a warm introduction.

It is tempting to hang around with someone you meet at an event for the duration and observe. However, you can push yourself beyond your comfort zone by setting a goal. Decide on a group that will meet at a specific time. Ask to join someone’s group if you know someone there. Ask for a nice introduction and mention that you’re shy and introverted.