Every parent wishes the best for their children, particularly when it comes to their wardrobe. Choosing the right clothes for your kids might be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. 51015 Kids offers five useful suggestions for selecting kids’ apparel to make them look great, feel great, and make you happy. Regardless you are a first-time parent or a seasoned pro, these tips can help you pick the best apparel for your kids. 

Here are 15 ideas to assist you in making the right decisions:

  1. Prioritize comfort: Children need to feel comfortable in their clothes, so opt for soft and breathable fabrics like cotton or blends with high cotton content.
  2. Consider the weather: Choose clothing appropriate for the current season. For example, dress your child in lighter fabrics during summer and layer up with warm materials during colder months.
  3. Look for ease of movement: Children are active, so select clothes that allow them to move freely. Avoid items that are too tight or restrictive.
  4. Pay attention to sizing: Children grow quickly, so check the sizing guidelines and buy clothes that allow room for growth. Oversized clothes can be adjusted with belts or cuffs, but avoid clothes that are too small.
  5. Opt for durable materials: Kids can be rough on their clothes, so choose fabrics and materials that can withstand wear and tear. Reinforced knees and sturdy stitching can add extra durability.
  6. Check for washability: Children’s clothes can get dirty easily, so opt for machine-washable items. Read the care instructions to ensure easy maintenance.
  7. Consider versatility: Look for clothes that can be mixed and matched easily. This allows for more outfit combinations and extends the usability of each item.
  8. Choose age-appropriate styles: Dress your child in clothing that suits their age and activity level. Avoid overly complex or restrictive designs for young children.
  9. Consider practicality: Think about the practicality of the clothing, such as easy-to-use closures like snaps or zippers. Avoid clothes with excessive buttons or complicated fastenings.
  10. Check for safety features: Look for clothing items with non-toxic dyes, no loose buttons or embellishments that could be choking hazards, and non-slip soles for shoes.
  11. Involve your child: If they are old enough, involve them in picking their clothes. This can help them develop their personal style and ensure they feel comfortable in what they wear.
  12. Pay attention to skin sensitivities: Some children may have sensitive skin or allergies. Choose clothing made from hypoallergenic fabrics and avoid clothing with irritating tags or rough seams.
  13. Consider the occasion: Different occasions may require specific clothing. Ensure you have appropriate outfits for formal events, outdoor activities, and casual everyday wear.
  14. Consider practicality: Opt for easy clothes to put on and take off, especially for younger children. For example, elastic waistbands or adjustable closures can make dressing and undressing easier.
  15. Be mindful of trends: While it’s fine to incorporate trendy pieces, keep in mind that children outgrow clothes quickly. So invest in staple items that can be worn longer, and use trendy items as accents or accessories.


Remember, the most important aspect of choosing children’s clothing is prioritizing their comfort, safety, and practicality.